→還沒到公車站牌就看到公車從眼前駛過→the bus always leaves before I got to the bus stop.
→the bus often comes late
→the bus often comes late
→等半天公車一次來兩班很火大→ If it keeps me waiting for a long time and comes with anther SAME bus at the SAME time, I'll get very upset.
→Realizing that my Easy Card is running out of money when i am geting off the bus lol
→Realizing that my Easy Card is running out of money when i am geting off the bus lol
→又沒有零錢 就算有百元大鈔也沒用了 除非你願意把整張塞進去當司機小費→ and having no change
→Forget something on the bus
→Get off the bus too early....
→不小心太晚下車→Get off the bus too late...
還有更扯的... And worse ..
→忘記上車→Forget to GET ON the bus
→忘記朋友→Forget a friend on the bus